Monday, January 28, 2008

How To Power Level and Make Gold Without a World of Warcraft Leveling Guide

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

There are a great many World of Warcraft guides available on the internet at present, for varying amounts of money. It is however extremely difficult for players to choose which one will be the most useful to any individual. Most have some sort of money-back guarantee, but until the buyer has studied them thoroughly, he or she has absolutely no way of knowing whether they have information that is useful, or are good value for money.

A "hackpack" offering to make you lots of World of Warcraft gold has been on offer recently, but despite the sales video on this particular website, it does not actually do what it says on the box - nor will they refund your money.

So how to avoid the scams and out of date strategies and ebooks, and avoid getting your account banned, can be a problem. If you feel that a World of Warcraft Leveling Guide is what you want, then do your homework first, read a few reviews on some of the guides on offer and make sure that you have a good money-back guarantee.

However, there are some basic principles which should be observed if you want to level up quickly without the aid of a guide:

If your character is below level 20, then you need to take on as many quests as possible, all at the same time. Don't do them one at a time, and on entering a new area, begin by taking all the quests from the NPCs.

Grouping can be more effective than playing solo, but make sure that the group is efficient, otherwise it will only slow you down if for example it keeps dying when trying to complete a quest.

Level grind 2-3 levels below you on yellow quests, turn them green which are fast and easy and make sure you kill plenty of green monsters. If quests involve lots of running around, abandon them, but not the class quests, just save them until it's easier.

But most of all, enjoy the game and have fun, after all that's why you began playing World of Warcraft wasn't it?

Napoleon Jones has a keen interest in the lives and habits of various sections of the world's population. At present he is writing a number of articles about the lives and habits of World of Warcraft players. [ ]

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Warcraft Zones

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Warcraft Zones pertains to the World of Warcraft, in which continents are fractioned into various sections in the game, which are referred as zones. These zones or regions further comprises of sub zones, towns, cities as well as instances. To simplify it, there is a zone in the game called as Dun Morogh, which comprises a sub zone called Coldridge Valley, a city called Ironforge, a town called Kharanos and lastly, an instance called Gnomeregan.

To understand the different zone levels is indispensable. It will preclude the chances of traversing to areas which are perhaps too towering for the character's level of the player. The Warcraft Zones of game are classified on the basis of continent and adjoining them are the levels. These levels can be easily studied on the internet. A complete table of zone level chart is displayed on various websites. The table includes details on level rage (1-10, 10-20), Zone name (Durotar, Mulgore), Continent (Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms), PvP Status (Alliance, Horde) and lastly notes.

Factions are basically divided into three namely, A - Alliance Dominated Zone, H - Horde Dominated Zone and lastly C - contested, wherein both the factions are present.

The levels suggested in the table are based on the observations of most of the creature's quest discovered in a particular zone. Simply stating, the array of level provide a clue on the minimal level requisite that is necessary to finish the instance. For example, Uldaman instance requires 34 - 45 level range.

Closed Zones:

Few of the Warcraft zones in the map can be seen demarcated. These are the zones which a player cannot reach in whichever way. These zones are referred as closed zones. Most of the closed zones seem to be entirely insipid and empty. However, few of them may incorporate interesting terrain, edifice and so on.

Although, not all the closed Warcraft zones remain out of the reach of the players, few of them can be explored via employing creative game mechanics. As a matter of fact, few zones as such Old Ironforge stay approachable to players even after 2 years subsequent to the introduction of game, hinting that it can be accessed by creators as Easter Eggs.

While, Warcraft Zones seem to be delimitated on the authorized maps are described under the future expansions class and can be explored in the Future Zones category. The zones mentioned over here have the probability of opening up in future. Alternatively, these can also be found in the Coming Soon category.

Zone which remains unimplemented in the Warcraft naturally cannot be viewed in the in-game map of World of Warcraft. Such zones are classified into Lore Zones.

Find all the best World of Warcraft strategies only at:

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Making the Most out of World of Warcraft by Using Joana's Horde Guide

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

I'm not some twelve-year old kid on summer vacation or a retiree with way too much time on his hands. I'm a full-time, full-family, full- well, I'm just full! I don't have much time in the day to spend on myself so when the opportunity arises I make sure I don't squander it. If I'm lucky enough to get that time playing World of Warcraft, I find that using a guide like Joana's Horde Guide is a must.

Now don't get me wrong, I love experiencing things on my own at first. I didn't use any help in the first year of playing World of Warcraft and sometimes it was difficult. It took me forever just to get out of my rag clothing and it was a painfully slow progression, but I did gain a greater sense of accomplishment doing it on my own. However, these days, if I've wasted an hour just trying to find a "Ghostclaw Lynx" and all I see are "Springpaw Lynx", I'm wasting my time (time that, again, is very precious to me). If I'm lost on a quest, I save the frustration and reach for Joana's Horde Guide and the problem is solved. Most of the time, I find that I was completely off from where I should have been and would have just wasted more time (and probably would have damaged a keyboard along the way). Quests can be confusing and sometimes being befuddled in World of Warcraft is simply a matter of being lost in the grand world of Azeroth.

In the grand size of this game, one thing has probably become very clear to you: you will be spending many minutes a day simply running around, flying around, riding around, and galloping around (and did I mention running around?). I don't even want to know how much time I've spent on my highest-level characters just on transportation. This is where a guide can be very helpful. My absolute favorite thing about using Joana's Horde Guide is the efficiency of it. The guy who wrote it has made many level 60 characters in record time (4 days and 20 hours to be exact) so he lists exactly where you need to go, how you need to do it, and most importantly, the best ways to get around. Trust me when I say that nothing will get you to level 70 faster than knowing the best ways to get from point A to point B without backtracking all over Blizzard's green earth.

Speaking of backtracking, have you ever started a new character in the same area that you've done before, only to not even remember how to do some of the quests you've completed once, twice, or more? I'm no spring chicken and maybe memory really is the first thing to go, but I don't want to "explore" things that I've already explored. If I want to try playing a Blood Elf Priest and I've already played a Blood Elf Rogue, I can pick up Joana's Horde Guide and get my new character leveled up ultra fast by sidestepping my exploring side and instantly gratifying my must-get-one-more-level side.

That one-more-level feeling is what makes World of Warcraft so addictive. Likewise, sometimes the feeling of hopelessness in reaching your next level is what makes a guide like Joana's Horde Guide so necessary. If you're short on time in the real world but you know your way around World of Warcraft you won't be disappointed in getting a good guide like this. And if you're looking for the most efficient way to power level your second, third, or thirtieth character to the top, Joana's Horde Guide will give you the gift of getting there in record time.

Tim Fulbright is an online gamer and World of Warcraft enthusiast who specializes in reviewing game guides, especially Joana's Horde Guide. To discover more World of Warcraft leet-ness, check out his website at [ ]

Article Source:

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Exponentially Increase Your World of Warcraft Gold Earning Potential

World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

Money is necessary for progress and advancement in life and in World of Warcraft that money is gold. World of Warcraft players are always searching for more efficient means of earning their gold so that they can have better equipment as they are leveling their characters. Many options are available to those seeking to expand their World of Warcraft riches. One such option is increasing your bag space. You can also profit from wheeling and dealing at the auction house. Utilizing one of the professions like fishing, skinning, or mining can also be a lucrative venue. Obviously, if you take all these suggestions and use them together, then you are sure to quickly, easily, and significantly increase the amount of World of Warcraft gold that you earn per hour.

When you increase the size of your bag you will also increase the size of your WoW wallet. Gaining more space for item storage greatly enhances your ability to earn gold by allowing you to carry a larger number of rare and valuable items. It will give you the convenience of being able to collect more items during instanced runs when there is no easy access to a merchant. More bag space also gives you an added advantage with collecting items from your chosen World of Warcraft profession. Another thing to keep in mind about the professions of skinning and mining is the fact that only one tool is necessary for them. A knife or a pick is all you will need to carry.

The auction house in World of Warcraft is a great place to sell your refined ores or skins. These items can bring an excellent price because WoW players always have need for them. It is also extremely wise to sell your unwanted rare items and recipes because these can fetch a good price from WoW players that have a need for them. You can also increase your World of Warcraft gold earnings at the auction house by buying low priced items and selling them for a profit. Keep an eye on the average going rates for things and when you see someone with “sale” prices for certain items, buy them up and turn around and sell them for more. It is as simple as that.

Finally, some of the best information on earning World of Warcraft gold can be found in E-books and guides that are available online. You should certainly look into them if you want to save yourself some time and earn larger amounts of gold in World of Warcraft.

Miles Tyler is an avid gamer and WoW enthusiast. [] Visit this site to find out more about an excellent resource for learning to earn vast amounts of World of Warcraft gold.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Top 5 Things Every World of Warcraft Player Must Know

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

I have compiled a list of the most import things every World of Warcraft player should know and follow. I have broken it down and listed what I think is the top five.

1.) Read your Quest Journal

Now we hate to snipe here, people, but the "L" key on your keyboard opens up your Quest Journal. This handy little item contains literally all the information you need to solve whatever quest your given. Check it early and check it often because if you're cluttering up the "General" chat channel asking "Where's the Wailing Caverns?" 47 times not only will you learn all sorts of new Azerothian insults, but when you eventually find the place, it's not going to win you any friends when you start looking for a group to explore with. Your Quest Journal has directions so precise they make MapQuest look vague. So to avoid this situation just read your Quest Journal.

2.) The City Guards are your friends - use them well.

This is kind of an adjunct to the whole "Read your Quest Journal" thing, but the other thing that clogs up the general chat channels is people asking for directions in the hub cities. Fortunately Blizzard has come up with a simple solution - just ask a city guard! They'll give you directions to everything in the city and even provide you with a little flag in your mini-map! You know, the employment situation in Azeroth must be pretty bad when you consider that most of these guards are level 75 or so and can easily wipe out virtually every monster in the game and they're taking the time out of their busy schedule to help you. The least you can do use their services. I don't even think they get paid!

3.) Every trade skill has a complement.

Players can only learn two "professional" trade skills (Fishing, Cooking, First Aid and a few others). Be aware that with the exception of Enchanting and Tailoring, every trade skill has a "gathering" skill and a "crafting" skill. Blacksmithing, for example, requires raw materials that can only be retrieved by Mining. Be sure you select the appropriate skill; otherwise you will end up buying raw materials at auction or trying to trade your raw materials for finished goods.

4.) The Num Lock key is your auto run.

This should be obvious, but you'd be surprised how many players forget to use their auto run. Auto run is your best friend. During long runs you can be checking your quest log, your inventory, or chatting with friends. Use it!

5.) Control your Pets!

This, of course, only applies to pet classes (Warlocks and Hunters), but if we had a gold piece for every Warlock and Hunter who left his pet on "Aggressive" we would all have a lot of gold pieces. Your pets are tools. They're used for very specific purposes. Putting them on Aggressive lets them attack indiscriminately and can draw a lot more monster attention than your group is ready to deal with. All too often a pet on the loose means death for the group and a long, boring corpse run.

Mark MacKay is a researcher, marketer, and an avid online gamer, including World of Warcraft and also the creator of the []World of Warcraft Gold Price List Guide, a web site setup to help WoW players find the cheapest place to buy their gold.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

The Benefits of Buying Wow Gold

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Each and every day there are millions of people who are playing a video game. Many of the video games being played on a daily basis are difficult to play. The difficulty of a game is one of the reasons why a game is played, but at the same time it can also be frustrating. For that reason a large number of individuals seek assistance in trying to conquer a video game.

In the video game War of Worldcraft players are required to defeat enemies and overcome multiple challenges. To do this weapons are needed. Without the proper weapons an experienced gamer could fall to defeat. That is why many War of Worldcraft players end up buying wow gold.

Buying wow gold has an unlimited number of benefits, especially to those who love to play video games. Perhaps the greatest benefit of all is that it can help player to excel at the game. When the gold is used to purchase weapons those weapons can be used to move farther along into the game. This is a great feeling for many video game players. There are many who spend a large amount of time trying to get past a certain point and buying wow gold can eliminate that problem.

Another benefit to buying wow gold involves the buying process. Buying wow gold online is an easy process that can be completed in a few minutes. Most websites offer instant or quick delivery of wow gold after it is purchased. Simply by finding an individual or online website that offers instant delivery a person can be playing World of Warcraft with extra wow gold right away.

The other benefit of buying wow gold is that it is cheap to purchase. The cost of the wow gold will all depend on where it is being purchased from. Even though different sellers may charge different prices the price is generally low and is usually always reasonable. The small price is literally priceless for a gamer who wants to overcome a War of Worldcraft challenge.

The majority of players end up buying wow gold for one reason. That reason is to excel at the game. Even though there is a common reason for buying wow gold there are a number of different benefits to purchasing it. Each individual is likely to benefit from buying the gold in different ways.

If you are interested in buying wow gold you are encouraged to get started today. Most websites only require a credit card or PayPal account, an email address, and answers to a few simple questions to purchase wow gold. Why wait any longer when you can start reaping the benefits right now?

Joel Meadowridge is a writer for MMO Empire where you can find information on buying wow gold at

Article Source:

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Road to Riches in the World of Warcraft - Get the Gold

If the saying that "money makes the world go round" is true, then it's no different in the World of Warcraft. Much similar to the American economy, the money of choice in World of Warcraft is bronze, silver and gold. In WoW 100 bronze is equal to 1 silver and 100 silver is equal to 1 gold with gold being the main form of currency. Acquiring gold in World of Warcraft is easy, killing a few monsters and selling the items that drop off them can easily earn you a few silver.

Most players don't even bother dealing with bronze as it's value is so minuscule. It's like having loose change in your pocket. By the time you reach level 40, gold and silver become an important factor in your game play. In order to make your player stronger, you'll need to aquire armour, weapons and trinkets, that can be bought for gold or silver.

Buying World of Warcraft gold has become a popular way to acquire gold the easy way. It's rather find a reputable gold seller, pay him real money and they send you WoW gold in-game. It's become quite a lucrative venue for gold farmers. But gold buyers need to beware of this fast and easy method of acquiring gold, as it comes with some risk. Not only do you have to trust the company selling you the gold, but Blizzard also frowns upon this practice. If you happen to get caught buying gold, your account and all relating accounts (your gold provider) will be permanently banned. You will not be banned immediately, but your name will be placed on a ban list that will be put into effect on the next patch.

With this in mind, how do we go about accummulating the WoW gold to equip our players? Farming WoW gold is the easiest legitimate way to aquire gold. Several guides have been written on how to go about farming World of Warcraft gold, but basically farming gold is to kill mobs in a certain area that has a high chance to drop items of value. These items can then be sold for gold to players who may be in need of them.

World of Warcraft is filled with many farmers. Some of these players are hired to farm gold to be sold on websites, others are "bots" a scripted program that will play the game for a player, killing and looting for hours upon hours. There is no way to remove these players, but you can report them to Blizzard with the red question mark on your user interface.

Another method to acquire gold is to use the Auction House. Items that you have accumulated during your travels may listed here for sale. Before listing an item at the Auction House, you need to determine it's value. Check out the demand (what a player may be willing to pay for that item). Another factor is the rarity of the item. Items that are really rare sell for alot more. The level of the item will also determine it's price as higher level items sell for a greater amount.

Instances are another source to acquire gold. Instances drops many of the Bind On Pickup Blues. An Enchanter would be able to disenchant these items and selling the resources to Enchanters at the Auction House for a larger profit. By the same token you could also enchant an item before selling it. Good luck in your farming of gold in Azeroth, we hope you find many rare drops that will soon make you rich in the World of Warcraft.

Copyright (c) 2006, by Paul E. Web This article may be freely distributed as long as the copyright, author's information and live link with anchored text is published with the article:

Paul E. Web is the webmaster and publisher of which is an online RPG resource with articles and tips on [ ]acquiring World of Warcraft gold along with other RPG guides.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Friday, January 18, 2008

How To Double Your WoW Gold

Imagine yourself flying through the Outlands on your Netherdrake, decked out from head to toe in fancy Epics, able to purchase anything - I mean ANYTHING - you want or need, worshiped by your friends, dreaded by your enemies, a ONE MAN ARMY OF DESTRUCTION.....

Well, snap out of it!

What I'm going to show could make you a Warcraft Millionaire, but you'd be a greybeard by then. Instead, this method, when properly applied, will yield from 5 to 25 gold per day that you play, without you doing ANY effort.

At least once a day, maybe several times a day, you'll be visiting a city. Major city, minor town, Steamwheedle Cartel, whatever, it works everywhere, as long as there are vendors.

What you are looking for are vendors that have "rare spawn" recipes or items. I stick with the recipes myself, but it works just as well with items - health potions, mana potions, copper modulators (or whatever those gizmos are called).

Whenever you see them, buy them all. I mean ALL. It doesn't matter if they are selling for 5s or 5g, just buy them. Promptly mail them to your Auction Alt - you've got one of those, right? - and keep on playing, visiting more cities and buying more recipes.

At the end of the evening, or whenever you stop playing, log on with your Auction alt and post your recipes on the Auction House. The Auctioneer Add-On is of great help to figure out what you should be selling your loot for, but if for some reason you don't have it installed, a good rule of thumb is this: post for triple what you paid for it, and everything should sell. My favorites are the recipes that you can buy for 5-10s, because they usually go for at least 1g and you can really clean out.

A good example of this is [Pattern: Admiral's Hat] that spawns off Cowardly Crosby in Stranglethorn Vale. You buy it for 70s and you should have no problems selling it on AH for 6-7g. Now that's not a bad profit, if you were in the area.

Should you find that an item is not selling at the price you want, wait until there are no competing offers and list it then, it should sell. Alternatively, you could resist the temptation to be greedy and just drop the price a bit. Whatever floats your boat. Remember, you can actually afford to drop the price a LOT since you paid peanuts for the item in the first place.

I don't suggest going too much out of your way for strange vendors in even stranger places, but if you consistently buy every single rare spawn you can during the course of your adventures - and that will be every day you play - you will end up doubling or tripling (or better) your money every single night.

You will occasionally hear rants from people who complain about you making a profit from vendor items. Ignore them or tell them off, politely of course. They are nothing but smelly hippies who think the World (of Warcraft) runs on sunshine and puppy dogs, but you know better. It runs on WoW Gold, and thanks to me, Renei, you'll soon have a lot more WoW Gold to blow on shiny new gear!

Renei is a Gnome Mage on Gnomeregan (US) realm. In his spare time he is the author of which chronicles his adventures in Azeroth and that of his friends. Visit for more articles, reviews and plain old fun. Renei respectfully requires that he be advised should someone want to reprint one of his articles, and that they always be reprinted with the author box intact.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Free PSP Game Downloads - PSP Homebrew Games

The Sony PSP Handheld has become one of the most popular video game devices of all time and the search to download free games and other files for the PSP is growing. Whether you just received your first PSP as a holiday gift, or you are a veteran like myself, you have probably felt the sting from the cost of purchasing a new game or other file, which is why you found this article.

When searching to download free games for your PSP, you will come across sites providing Homebrew Games. These are free games that people have developed for the PSP and other gaming devices. Homebrew games are typically remakes of popular games; the names and characters are slightly changed, but for the most part they are very similar to the real version. This all sounds great right? But, there is a catch. With Homebrew games you still need to invest money with memory sticks, your time, downloading, etc. Don't get me wrong, Homebrew games can be a blast and I highly suggest you check them out if you haven't already. Personally, I'm to the point now where if I have time to game, I just want to load up and play. I don't want to waste most of my free time downloading, formatting, etc. Also, unfortunately there are free PSP game downloads out there that contain viruses, spyware, malware, etc. These viruses can get on your computer or even worse, onto your PSP and destroy it. Another concern when you download free PSP games is the possibility that you download a game or movie illegally. You may not even know it, but if you get caught up in that, you can get into trouble even if you were unaware that it was illegal.

I have found a better way to get anything I want for my PSP. I mean the real PSP games, movies, music, wallpapers and it's all legal with fast downloading and no worries of viruses. There are great sites out there offering deals that are too good to pass up. There are also ways to download totally free PSP games safely, you just need to know where to look.

I have reviewed many different []PSP Download sites and I share my findings on []my blog. Including links to sites with free Hombrew Game downloads []

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Online Games, the New Thing in Gaming

Over the couple years, we’ve been bumped with online games ads, emails and links. What happened with everybody, and why are people thrilled with online gaming?

Several types of online games are available for public; I will try below to describe a few of them. Online games are of 2 types: multiplayer online games, and single player online games. The first type is played on web servers, allowing people to interact with each other, and, on the other hand, single player online games are played alone, on games archives.

Multiplayer online games are:

MMORPG: known as MMORPGs also, comes from massively multiplayer online role-playing games. Is one of the most common type of multiplayer online games.
MMOFPS: comes from massively multiplayer online first person shooter.
MMORTS : comes from massively multiplayer online real-time strategy.
MMOTG: comes from massively multiplayer online tycoon games.
MMOSG: comes from massively multiplayer online strategy games.
MMMOG: comes from massively multiplayer mobile online games.

There are of course other types of multiplayer online games that are derived from the above ones.

The other category of online games are the single player ones. I said that they can be played on online arcades. Several types of single player online games exist, but of the most common type is the flash arcade.

On such a website you need only your browser to be able to play the games and of course, Macromedia Flash Player installed. Those games are categorized depending on type on action, arcade, sports, shooting, puzzle and casino. Each player is awarded with points, depending on number of games played. Top players are displayed on the main page. A nice source for free online games is [], a flash games arcade with almost 1500 games.

Ted Peterson loves online games, so he writes for [], a new flash games arcade.

Article Source:,-the-New-Thing-in-Gaming&id=369760

Monday, January 7, 2008

How to Role Play a Player Killer by Nubby

Usually people assume player killers, or commonly referred to as pkers, are young, prepubescent teens with a complete disregard for the game environment or other players around them; this stereotype is perpetuated by those that lack the ability to successfully role play as a player killer and also the angered individuals you might have killed along your quest to infamy.

When killing another player usually players will degrade one another and let the victim know just how much he sucks or is getting “owned”. This is not necessary as the player can look at his health and make a rational conclusion that he is getting his assed handed to him. So, while you are killing this person make your kill quick and efficient. There is no point in rubbing it in as this will only delay the kill which could lead to outside influences such as his friends or others attacking you in this added time, or perhaps npcs (non player characters) could enter the equation and turn the tides of the battle. When killing your opponent you may have a signature saying however, or something to make your kill style unique from the rest. Common examples of this are tea bagging, corpse humping, dancing over their dead body, or a clever catch phrase like "Just Business"; the use of teabagging, corpse humping and dancing are very generic so you will want to use this celebration sparingly if at all. However, I feel unique clothing/avatar, example bright neon clothes will be memorable to your victim as well as your catch phrase.

Killing is part of the game, at least part of the server you chose!, so understand that every player likes the act of pvp, player versus player; but also realize the player enjoys the thrill of pking, and at times even being pked. We are player killers though, not griefers, camp spawners, or power hungry children; we kill for the thrill of the chase and the tear of joy that rolls down our cheek as our opponent takes a dirt nap. The real fun is in the hunt and the kill shot. What you do after this kill shot usually determines your status quo in the player killer world. Think of the most feared or best player killer you knew/know. Were they feared because they talked the most trash? I guarantee the answer is no. They were feared because you knew they were PLAYER KILLERS, not griefers, or smack-talkers. They have one goal and one focus…to kill you.

So now that you have successfully killed your prey you can choose what path to take. You can proceed to tea-bag his corpse, and dry loot (depending on the game), followed by res killing or corpse camping and a healthy round of Elite ownage speak…or you can simply say nice fight, or good try and move on to the next victim. Perhaps you can be as classy and marketing savy as the great Adam Ant from old school Ultima Online. His signature was leaving a red bandana…forcing his victims to wear it or face the consequences upon their next meeting. Whether it’s a clever catch phrase, or a signature of some type, player killers with class and style are the names echoed in virtual eternity and not the guy spamming NEWB!

Matthew Anton enjoys writing about Gaming and spending time on a Online Game Community or on a MMORPG network

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