Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More World of Warcraft Gold Tips

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Okay you have been running around Elwynn Forest for almost 3 hours now and you are wondering how the heck are you ever going to earn enough gold to purchase your cool armor and weapons or even that sweet horse you saw the mage riding. You are such a low level toon right now that you aren't even sure how you are going to make any decent gold on World of Warcraft.

Don't sweat it, here are some easy answers!

First collecting gold in World of Warcraft is actually not as hard as it seems. There are plenty of people that are creating gold wealth on World of Warcraft every day and they aren't all high level toons either.

Okay so, here's how to break it all down, what are some of the best ways to make gold for free in World of Warcraft?

You must pick a profession and start maxingg it out right away first. For example, if you have choosen mining, start mining right away and build it up as fast as you can. Couple mining with blacksmithing and start creating weapons and armor that you could resell at online auctions. There are plenty of players every day new to World of Warcraft that are looking for equipment to buy for themselves. As you level up, your toon will be able to mine more exotic minerals such as Mithril or Turesilver. This is stuff worth serious money to you.

Also kill everything you can at your low levels, especially the humanoid characters. They drop both coin and items. Collect stackable items and put them up for sale in the auction house once you have a few stacks i.e. Cloth, Wool etc. Plenty of toons need these items for making everything from bandages to weapons and armour for themselves. Some players are just too lazy to mine this stuff so you will be providing a service to them and makeing a profit for yourself in the mean time.

Then as soon as you can, start making the dungeon runs. If you are an Alliance character, the Dead Mines, will most likely be your best bet to find itmes. Get as many green items as you can find. Offer them at the auction house. Enchanters will buy them so they can disenchant. Other players will buy them also since the need magical items to improve their characters. Blue items will be even better.

Check the Auction house for what is selling well at the moment. This is a great place to find the pulse of the market has to offer. If you can farm/mine some of the better selling items and get them to market fast, you will stand to make some even greater money for yourself!

If you solo adventure, then all the loot will be yours. Hunters and Paladins have been some of the best soloers. I have a level 45 Paladin who is never short of haveing gold. I take him soloing all the time and will make serious cash, which I will then give to my other toons.

Hunters make great soloers once they have a pet, you will want to take advantage of this. The more skilled you become when battling with your pet, the more gold you will earn.

These are jsut some tips I give to gathering gold fast while playing World of Warcraft.

Want to learn more tips on how to get more gold? Check out this guide.

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.
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